This presentation is intended to provide cutting-edge health information. Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before changing anything related to your healthcare.
Buried SECRET from Apollo
moon landing finally revealed
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Are you ready to get started right now? Good, because I have just one last thing to share with you.
But before I go any further, do you mind making sure you're alone in the room?
You see, Cured: 81 Natural Cures for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and More... is a truly powerful resource...
But there are a few things I left out… because I wanted your copy of Cured to be something you could share openly with your spouse, kids, and neighbors.
And there are some health problems that only men really understand.
I'm talking about certain "personal" challenges. Know what I mean?
So when you RSVP for your free copy of Cured today,
I'll send you another free gift…
Miracles From Mission Control: NASA’s healing secrets revealed
This exclusive report is a collection of some of their greatest achievements... Straight from Mission Control, to your living room.
• NASA’s Blueprint for stopping heart attacks before they start... The end result is a cutting-edge test that can spot blocked arteries in just minutes. You’ll see it on page 29
• The astronaut’s guide to falling asleep. From missions to the moon, future trips to mars or months on the international space station. Space is one of the most difficult environments to fall asleep in. And NASA has spent years creating a natural system to help astronauts drift off fast. And now you can finally learn their secrets to improve your own sleep. Find it on page 36
• The NASA Nutrient for rebuilding lost muscle. Spending long periods at zero-gravity rapidly weakens muscles. But NASA has tested an all-natural solution in deep-space conditions that finally offers protection. Which is AMAZING news for seniors. Adults start losing muscle naturally in their 30’s and by the time you hit 60 it really starts to pick up. But now you’ll have access to the ultimate secret to preserving your strength. It’s on page 33
• And much more
It’s all waiting for you inside your FREE report, Miracles From Mission Control: NASA’s healing secrets revealed.
And Dr. Inglis will happily send it to you right now, absolutely FREE.
When you put both of your free gifts together, you truly have a step-by-step guidebook for living the healthy, energetic life you want… that you DESERVE.
So make sure you click the button below now to claim all your free gifts.
Remember, your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.
Your happier, healthier, and longer life - and your 2 free gifts - are waiting…
Just as Apollo 17 prepared to touch down on the moon...
Astronaut Jack Schmitt saw something that... shouldn’t have been there at all.
Hi, I’m Benjamin Cross for Dr. Alan Inglis’ Nutrition & Healing.
In the next 3 minutes, you’re going to hear a story that NASA has rarely told...
It’s a true story that’s extremely controversial.
And many in government hope you’ll never hear it (I’ll explain the stunning reason why in a moment).
You’ll learn exactly what those strange flashes of light were...
And more importantly how...
This odd sighting led to a secret NASA project
to make astronauts virtually “cancer proof.”
I’ll show you how this project ultimately uncovered what could be the most powerful natural cancer treatment KNOWN TO MAN...
A treatment that holds the key to not only destroying cancer cells in DROVES...
But also ensuring they can’t come back (a riddle chemo has failed to solve after decades of use).
And yes, I know it sounds like science-fiction...but I’m in possession of official NASA documents that prove it...
Documents that powers in the upper reaches of government would rather you never see...
But I’m not holding anything back.
I’m going to reveal their shocking contents...
As well as in-flight records and official audio from the Apollo astronauts that started it all...
You’ll see the results of a little-known government-run cancer study on this treatment that left doctorsSTUNNED...
And meet patients who went from stage 4 cancer to living normal lives... all with the help of this one NASA healing secret.
Friend, whether you’re concerned for yourself or for a loved one battling this horrible disease...
This hushed-up piece of American history could completely change your life.
And as you’re about to see, it’s not just cancer.
NASA has quietly specialized in keeping humans alive in the most unhospitable environments imaginable for decades...
And the breakthroughs they've discovered to push humanity to its furthest limits are nothing short of miraculous.
Including solutions that help make the body virtually “cancer proof,” the mind a step ahead of Alzheimer's, joints pain-free... and so much more.
It’s a lot to take in, so let’s get started right away...
To start off, December 10th, 1972 was not the first time the crew of Apollo 17 reported seeing strange lights in space.
Just one day before landing on the moon... they were SURROUNDED by them.
But these sightings were a complete mystery to NASA scientists.
No astronauts prior to the Apollo moon missions had ever reported anything like it.
What were they seeing?
There were theories, but no one knew for sure.
Then, after years of study and intense debate, NASA finally cracked the case—and the answer was terrifying.
You see, after leaving the protective atmosphere of Earth’s orbit...
The astronauts were being absolutely bombarded by radiation.
Those mysterious flashes were cosmic rays, packed with radiation, piercing their eyes as they flew through space.
This radiation exposure skyrockets the risk of cancer for astronauts...
Imagine this: during a six-month trip, astronauts are exposed to the same amount of radiation as 1,000 chest X-rays.
This hard truth is what started NASA on a decades’ long project...
They were desperate to find a simple way to protect astronauts from cancer and radiation in the most extreme conditions possible.
Luckily, NASA has access to some of the brightest medical minds on the planet...
And friend, I’m happy to report that...
They just found it.
In May of 2023, NASA researchers tested a completely natural substance on mice under the same radiation conditions found in deep space...
It’s a natural, powdery substance found in the most remote corners of southern Asia, nicknamed “Apollo Gold”.
And for the first time...
NASA researchers were able to prove this simple, natural substance could protect cells from mutation, death and DNA damage caused by extreme radiation...
Yes, “Apollo Gold” acted like a cancer-blocking shield in
the harshest conditions known to man
But maybe you’re wondering… can NASA’s “Apollo Gold” KILL cancer cells too?
Great question…
After all, space is one thing—but how does it perform here on Earth?
Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore…
Because another government agency tested it on combat veterans battling stage 4 mouth and throat cancer...
And the results were stunning.
Not only did “Apollo Gold” shrink their tumors...
It reduced their need for life-altering surgeries and brutal therapies...
Offering something they likely never thought possible—a simple path to recovery.
And all the veterans had to do was take a simple lozenge...
Nothing else!
One veteran even called
“Apollo Gold” a MIRACLE.
His name is Sal Seter*... and his story is nothing short of amazing.
On a routine trip to the dentist... they found a tumor on his lower jawbone.
After the VA biopsied the growth, he got the worst news of his life...
It was cancer... and they’d need to remove part of his jaw to get rid of it.
Sal had a month before his surgery...
But instead of doing nothing while he waited, he joined a government study on NASA’s “Apollo Gold”.
For 30 days he simply took two lozenges before each meal... that’s it.
And when he finally got to the operating room, the surgeon and nurses couldn’t believe what they saw...
The tumor had shrunk to almost nothing…
helping Sal avoid major surgery
As Sal puts it, “To me it was a miracle. This stuff is amazing. It has a pain-relieving effect too.”
And Sal isn’t the only one...
Meet Cheryl Hodges*...
At 43, Cheryl was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.
An extremely aggressive cancer of the salivary gland...
In fact, it’s so aggressive, chemotherapy is practically worthless against it.
Thankfully, after surgery and radiation... she was cancer free.
But then, 7 years later, her nightmare became reality. The cancer was back... and it was bad.
It was now in her lungs and spreading.
The odds of her living another 5 years were only 9%.
Her doctors first tried chemo... but it completely failed.
And things looked bleak.
Her metastatic lung cancer was now resistant to chemotherapy.
So her doctors did something that most don’t even know is possible... they added NASA’s “Apollo Gold” to her treatment regimen.
After 6-months of treatment, a follow-up PET scan showed something remarkable...
The tumors in her lungs had shrunk by 80%.
And on her 24-month PET scan, doctors found something almost no one would believe...
Cheryl’s chemo-resistant lung cancer
had virtually disappeared.
Yes, NASA’s deep space cancer shield is performing healing miracles right here on earth!
And if you’re wondering “how is this possible?”
How could “Apollo Gold” kill cancer cells that chemotherapy can’t even touch?
It all starts with a strange flaw in how cancer cells work...
And if you know how to attack this flaw, you can shrink deadly tumors as easily as popping a balloon.
You see, cancer cells need an enormous amount of energy to grow and thrive.
And cancer cells create this energy by relying on tiny power factories inside their cell walls called “mitochondria”.
These power factories gobble up oxygen in your blood to provide a free-flowing source of energy to cancer cells.
Unfortunately for cancer cells, they’re completely dependent on this constant energy production to survive... which is also their biggest flaw.
And “Apollo Gold” zeros in on this weakness
like a laser-guided smart bomb.
Studies show “Apollo Gold” dramaticallyshuts down cancer cells’ oxygen supply...
And this, in turn, slashes their crucial energy production by up to an amazing 64%.
It’s like hitting a master switch on their power supply.
But cancer cells are smart...
They have a failsafe in case of emergency.
If their main supply of energy is cut off, cancer cells switch to creating energy using glucose in your bloodstream.
But guess what... NASA’s cancer secret cuts this off too, leaving them with no way to restore power.
With no escape, wave-after-wave of deadly cancer
cells are forced to self-destruct.
In fact, studies show that after just ONE HOUR... cancer cell death rates skyrocket up to 316% once “Apollo Gold” is unleashed.
Even better, this isn’t “Apollo Gold’s” only method of attack... Not by a long shot.
All told, “Apollo Gold” kills cancer cells in 34 different ways.
Which is why even the deadliest, chemo-resistant cancer cells have no choice but to shrivel up and die.
So, instead of getting their affairs in order when the chemo suddenly stops working...
Patients have a new weapon with a track record of treating some of the deadliest cancer cells imaginable, including...
Breast cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and dozens more...Yes, DOZENS MORE.
And unlike chemo, “Apollo Gold” specifically targets cancer cells and leaves your healthy cells thriving.
So you may be wondering...
With a treatment this powerful...
A breakthrough strong enough to shield America’s astronauts from cancer in the farthest-reaches of space....
And kill even the deadliest of cancer cells...
Why haven’t you heard about it from your doctor?
Why isn’t this the first thing oncologists prescribe?
Well, the answer can be summed up in one word... money.
NASA’s “Apollo Gold” is completely natural, which means it currently can’t be patented...
Turned into a drug...
Or sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars a dose to cancer patients.
So word getting out about this cheap alternative that can do things chemotherapy simply can’t...
Would sink the Billon dollar cancer industry like a stone.
Which is why you’ll likely never see this promoted by Big Pharma or mainstream medicine.
Yes, this scandal runs deep...
In fact, this video may be the first and only time you hear about the revolutionary “Apollo Gold” secret...
But don’t worry about remembering all the details.
Because everything you need to know is available for FREE, in a brand-new exclusive report...
It’s called Miracles from Mission Control: NASA’s healing secrets revealed...
And it’s only available through this video.
The deadly confines of space put astronauts at grave risk for diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, arthritis and more...
And for decades, NASA has quietly directed America’s top-medical minds to trouble-shoot ways of protecting them.
This exclusive report is a collection of some of their greatest achievements...
Straight from Mission Control,
to your living room.
In just a moment, I’ll tell you exactly how you can claim it... completely free of charge through this special offer.
But first, I want to introduce you to the man who made it all possible...
Dr. Alan Inglis.
Dr. Inglis rose quickly through the ranks of modern medicine...
Working with some of the top alternative doctors both in the US and in Europe…
Owning and operating a private clinic in rural Massachusetts...
And even teaching the next generation of physicians at the University of Massachusetts.
But some of his greatest “A-ha” moments came during his tenure at the world-famous Mayo Clinic...
A medical institution that’s worked hand-in-glove with NASA since 1960.
It was this connection that inspired the FREE report we’ve put together for you today...
Inside you’ll find full details on solutions like NASA’s cancer-killing “Apollo Gold” starting on the very first page...
But keep flipping through and you’ll find so much more.
Like how...
In 2021, NASA secretly compiled the ultimate
system for beating Alzheimer’s disease...
without a single drug
It goes without saying...
A split-second mental lapse during a spacewalk or while reentering the atmosphere could spell disaster for everyone onboard.
And things like zero-gravity, isolation and radiation put constant stress on astronauts’ brains.
In the short term this can cause problems with focus and memory...
And long term can trigger neuro-inflammation, oxidation and brain shrinkage... just like Alzheimer’s.
Which is exactly why NASA’s top researchers quietly put together a multi-targeted, all-natural approach we’re calling the “NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol”...
They tested it in-vivo using mice while simulating the exact same conditions found in deep space...
And it couldn’t have gone better.
The protocol increased memory, focus and recognition...
While at the same time protecting the brain from damaging inflammation and oxidative stress...
Two of the biggest drivers of Alzheimer’s disease.
The scientists are now recommending NASA’s
“NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol” to astronauts for future
missions to the moon and Mars.
And when you review some of the features of the protocol, it’s easy to see why.
First, let me tell you about Element 1.
It’s nothing more than an all-natural dinner seasoning popular in some parts of Asia...
But when experts reviewed its effects on the brain, it became clear it so was much more important.
In fact...
This could be THE answer millions of desperate
patients have been waiting for
Researchers first became aware of it when studying a remote, rural village in Asia.
Studies showed the villagers were actually very similar to many who lived in the surrounding areas... and they weren’t very healthy.
They smoked like a chimney...
Drank like a fish...
And got very little physical exercise.
But there was one big difference...
The seniors in this tiny Asian village had the world’s
lowest rates of Alzheimer’s EVER recorded.
Yes, the villagers were living well into their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s...
With rates of Alzheimer’s 4.4 times lower than what you’d find here in America.
Well, the answer remained a mystery for decades... until researchers looked at their diet...
It turns out the villagers were eating more of Element 1 than almost any other population in the world.
Again, it’s just a simple seasoning you can sprinkle on your dinner or breakfast... and it costs pennies per day.
And not only can it help PROTECT you (and deep space astronauts) from Alzheimer’s...
Element 1 can actually reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Let me tell you about a patient we’ll call Emily...
The details of Emily’s case are so stunning...
It was actually published by a team of Japanese neurologists.
At 76, Alzheimer’s started taking its toll on nearly every aspect of her life...
Her short-term memory started to fade...
She could no longer learn new tasks...
She had difficulty dressing, cooking... you name it.
Eventually she spent her days wandering aimlessly through the house... a shadow of her former self.
Then her doctors started adding about a half teaspoon of NASA’s Element 1 to her daily routine...
12 weeks later, everything changed…
She began to laugh while watching TV,
she was knitting and even singing!
But the best was yet to come...
Over a year later, her memory improved, and she was even recognizing her family again.
Imagine a loved one lost in the haze of Alzheimer’s...
Finally coming to life and recognizing your face again.
Element 1 made that a reality for Emily.
So, how does it work?
Research shows it does something no Alzheimer’s drug can...
It targets one of the horrible hallmarks of Alzheimer’s... neuroinflammation.
When comparing MRI’s of Alzheimer’s patients’ brains to healthy patients...
You can actually see the inflammation.
In fact, researchers have found Alzheimer’s patients’ core body temperature is measurably higher than their healthy peers.
But again, no Alzheimer’s drug is currently focused on this. It’s almost a crime.
Which is what makes Element 1 so exciting.
Scientific research suggests...
Element 1 crosses the blood-brain barrier
and douses neuroinflammation…
It’s even been shown to work better than some of the most well-known anti-inflammatories on the market...
Without the potentially serious side effects.
Now, if this was all NASA suggested, you’d still have an Alzheimer’s weapon stronger than most drugs on the market...
But there’s much more to the NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol... which brings us to Element 2.
It’s a multi-nutrient “cocktail” that counteracts one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s...
A symptom that can actually start as early as ten years before patients are even diagnosed.
I’m talking about brain shrinkage.
A brain ravaged by Alzheimer’s shrinks up like a shriveled grape... utterly devastating areas involved with thinking, planning and memory.
And even though they’ve spent billions trying... Big Pharma still has nothing to combat this effect on the brain.
Which is why Oxford University researchers were shocked when they tested a trio of inexpensive nutrients on patients with early Alzheimer’s symptoms...
And hit absolute pay dirt.
Patients who took this all-natural cocktail slowed
Alzheimer’s brain shrinkage by an unheard of 90%!
Yes, 90%!
So you can see why NASA added Element 2 to their NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol.
This simple treatment was pulling patients back from the abyss of Alzheimer’s.
And if that sounds crazy to you, I can assure you no one was more surprised than the researchers themselves.
Even senior author of the study, A. David Smith was caught totally off guard, saying…
“It’s a big effect, much bigger
than we would have dreamt of,
I find... this staggering.”
In fact, the only thing more impressive is the effect Element 2 can have on your memory!
Jason Hardy, a participant in the trial, described the day he received his invitation to participate as a “God send.”
Even his wife is astounded with the difference she sees in his memory.
And they’re far from the only ones reaping the benefits.
An earlier study performed in 2012 showed that…
Patients taking this natural miracle trounced their
placebo-taking peers by a whopping 69%
on memory tests!
And we’re still not done...
Let me quickly tell you about Element 3 in NASA’s NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol.
We’ve already discussed how the NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol targets neuroinflammation and brain shrinkage...
But it also goes after a third culprit behind Alzheimer’s... Oxidation.
Picture an apple left out in the sun slowly turning brown throughout the day...
Alzheimer’s has this same effect on the brain.
Which is why NASA includes one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man.
Studies show it not only causes oxidative stress levels to plummet...
But patients with severe Alzheimer’s...
Patients who many would consider lost causes...
Significantly improved both their word fluency and immediate memory after taking Element 3 in one shocking study.
Yes, the elements of NASA’s NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol not only protect your brain from Alzheimer’s 3 biggest culprits...
They also improve Alzheimer’s symptoms better than any drug on the market.
Whether you’re concerned about a family history of Alzheimer’s...
Or hoping to rescue a loved one in the clutches of this dreaded disease...
NASA’s NeuroLaunch Brain Protocol can help you stop living in fear...
And start taking control.
You’ll find full details on this life-changing protocol in your FREE report... Miracles From Mission Control.
Again, NASA has tested this one-of-a-kind protocol in conditions mirroring deep space...
An environment almost tailormade to induce Alzheimer’s.
And now you can find every detail for yourself... .
It all starts on page 12 of this exclusive report.
And you can claim your reserved copy today... FREE of charge.
I’ll tell you exactly how in a moment.
But first, let me show you a little more of what you’ll find inside...
And if you suffer from arthritis (or pain of any kind), you won’t want to miss this .
Because you’re about to hear how...
An accidental discovery onboard the NASA space
shuttle led to a drug-free pain treatment that’s
stunning patients who abandoned hope
It all started in 1995...
Space shuttle astronauts noticed something odd while tending to an inflight plant experiment.
Tiny cuts and scrapes on their hands were starting to heal much faster than they should have.
Something about tending to these space plants was solving a problem that NASA had been researching for years...
In zero gravity, wounds heal much slower than on earth.
So what was causing the change? At first, they didn’t have a clue.
But after investing heavily in more research, NASA eventually solved the mystery.
It was the lights.
The astronauts were using special long-wave LED lights in the plant experiment...
And it turns out, healing wounds was far from the most amazing part of this discovery.
As time went on...
Scientists discovered NASA’s long-wave lights
soothed PAIN like nothing else you can imagine.
This was a Godsend for NASA since zero-gravity and space radiation also causes joint damage and pain for astronauts.
In fact, NASA studied and honed this light-soothing technique for years...
And now the few pain-sufferers outside of NASA who’ve learned of this revolutionary therapy are having stunning results.
Meet Peter Jacobs*...
Peter injured his back in the military and needed three different surgeries to try and correct it.
His intense pain left him out of work... and unable to care for his son like he wanted to.
He tried everything for the pain.
Physical therapy, yoga, massage, traction and every drug the military would prescribe.
But nothing seemed to help.
He was feeling guilty and depressed.
Then he tried the NASA long-wave therapy... and it gave him his life back.
He was able to return to work part time and spend more blessed time with his son.
As Peter puts it...
“I couldn’t believe that using light could provide
me so much relief—it’s amazing!
[This] has literally saved me!”
Then there’s Dan Bolton*.
Dan was 70 years old, suffering from severe arthritis in his hands...
And slowly starting to lose his independence.
He was having trouble dressing, shaving and even feeding himself...
In desperation he started considering a grueling surgery to replace six joints in his hands.
But luckily, before he could agree he decided to try NASA’s long-wave light therapy first.
It was a simple handheld device he could use in the privacy of his own home...
But he still felt a little skeptical...
Can you blame him? Afterall, could reversing years of pain really be as easy as treating it with light?
For Dan, the answer was a great big YES.
As he puts it...
“After the first month I was virtually pain free... I’m amazed.”
But it gets better...
Dan was also able to button his shirts again, use his thumb to turn his razor on and pick up silverware...
All with zero pain!
And Peter and Dan weren’t the only ones...
Patients have reported relief from pain in their calves, knees, carpel tunnel and more.
And if you’re wondering how NASA’s long-wave light therapy can provide so much relief...
It’s because it works differently than almost anything on the market.
Where things like drugs simply mask the pain...
NASA’s long-wave light therapy works on a cellular
level to target and soothe pain at the source.
And to find out how to experience this for yourself or a family member, all you’ll need to do is turn to page 20 in your FREE report...
Miracles From Mission Control: NASA’s healing secrets revealed.
You’ll learn everything you need to know about this revolutionary pain treatment...
And even hear about Dr. Inglis’ personal experience using this at-home solution for his own pain.
This special report is truly one of a kind...
You’ll be among only a handful of Americans who’ve seen NASA’s healing secrets all in one place...
And we’ve still only scratched the surface of what you’ll find inside.
As you dig deeper into this exclusive report, you’ll also find chapters on...
NASA’s Blueprint forstopping heart attacks before they start... The end result is a cutting-edge test that can spot blocked arteries in just minutes. You’ll see it on page 29
The astronaut’s guide to falling asleep. From missions to the moon, future trips to mars or months on the international space station. Space is one of the most difficult environments to fall asleep in. And NASA has spent years creating a natural system to help astronauts drift off fast. And now you can finally learn their secrets to improve your own sleep. Find it on page 36
The NASA Nutrient for rebuilding lost muscle. Spending long periods at zero-gravity rapidly weakens muscles. But NASA has tested an all-natural solution in deep-space conditions that finally offers protection. Which is AMAZING news for seniors. Adults start losing muscle naturally in their 30’s and by the time you hit 60 it really starts to pick up. But now you’ll have access to the ultimate secret to preserving your strength. It’s on page 33.
It’s all waiting for you inside your FREE report, Miracles From Mission Control: NASA’s healing secrets revealed.
And Dr. Inglis will happily send it to you right now, absolutely FREE.
All he asks in return is that you RSVP at the end of this video to give his monthly newsletter, Nutrition & Healing, a try.
Dr. Inglis has established himself in the medical community as something of a “cure hunter”...
And Nutrition & Healing is where he keeps his subscribers up to date on all his latest findings and discoveries.
In each monthly issue, you’ll be tapping into some of the most advanced health information available...
And as a Nutrition & Healing subscriber, here’s what you can expect...
Groundbreaking new research that directly impacts your life and health…
Cutting-edge natural cures from around the world, including complete details on where to get them and how to use them …
Updates on the greatest threats to your health (they’re everywhere these days)…
Access to the Nutrition & Healing online archives (More than two decades worth of life-saving content)
Enrollment in Dr. Inglis’ free daily e-letter, e-Tips (up-to-the-minute updates on the latest in natural medicine).
And much more, all explained in straightforward language by one of America’s most trusted natural doctors…
But friend, I have even better news... this isn’t the only free gift we’ve set aside for you today.
When you click below now, you’ll also receive what amounts to Dr. Inglis’ life’s work.
You see, while Dr. Inglis has spent a great deal of time researching and studying medicine overseas... and as a physician at the NASA-linked Mayo Clinic...
For decades he also operated his own private clinic in rural Massachusetts…
Where he specialized in helping seniors conquer the true, underlying causes of disease.
And unlike most doctors, he didn't rely solely on prescription drugs, surgery, or any other “un-natural” methods…
That's because he's seen firsthand how prescription drugs wreak havoc on the human body…
Instead, he prided himself on discovering and tracking down...
Seriously powerful natural solutions that work BETTER
than Big Pharma's prescription drugs…
And he’s memorialized some of the most powerful of those treatments in a 536-page masterwork called Cured: 81 Natural Cures for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and More...
These are the same treatments and techniques Dr. Inglis once only shared exclusively with his private patients...
But now you can access them all for yourself—FREE of charge—simply by clicking below.
Inside you’ll find full details on dozens of useful, practical, and life-saving natural solutions… solutions you can use to improve your health in dramatic ways.
Real-world ways to…
Get type 2 diabetes under control…
without a single drug
Better than Metformin? – This completely natural plant extract stunned doctors by slashing fasting blood sugar 35.1%, post-prandial blood sugar by 44.1% and A1c levels by 21.1% in one study. All without the side effects of prescription metformin. You’ll find full details on page 240
Just one spoonful of this miracle spice can help stave off diabetes – A few years ago news reports raved about studies that showed a simple spice could behave just like insulin. On page 529 of CURED, Dr. Inglis explains what it is and how it can change the life of anyone battling diabetes or simply worried about being diagnosed.
Eight all-natural solutions for diabetic neuropathy – If you or a loved one are living with diabetes, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from diabetic neuropathy pain as well. It’s one of the most common complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. On page 531 you’ll find eight different solutions, some of which have been shown in studies to ease pain up to 60%.
And how great would it be to…
Put your fear of heart attack and stroke
in the rear-view mirror... for good.
Lower cholesterol 35 points with this strange rice? – Doctors are handing out side-effect riddled statins like candy for the slightest jump in cholesterol levels... and savvy patients are looking for alternatives. On page 145 of CURED you’ll discover a strange rice that plummeted cholesterol levels 35 points in one small study... without dangerous side effects.
Do this one thing and lower heart attack risk 88%? – It’s known as sticky blood. And it skyrockets your chances of blood clots, heart attack and stroke. But there’s one simple way to keep your blood thin, smooth and flowing freely... and it’s not a drug. One study showed this one activity could lower your risk of heart attack by 88%... and it’s so simple you can do it sitting down. Find details on page 121 of CURED.
One hidden sign a heart attack is imminent – Heart health experts have been pointing to cholesterol as the main culprit behind heart attacks and strokes for years. But the fact is, 75% of heart attack victims have normal cholesterol. However, this is one blood marker that signals a heart attack could be right around the corner (don’t ignore this)... and Dr. Inglis explains it all on page 147 of your FREE book.
Or how about being able to…
Soothe even the most severe chronic pain
simply, naturally and safely
Stop crippling osteoarthrosis pain without NSAIDs – Anyone who’s suffering with osteoarthritis has likely been prescribed an NSAID for their pain. But anyone concerned with the side effects of these drugs should turn to page 189 of CURED. There you’ll find details on a natural “medical food” that reduces pain on average of 85% and is 90% better tolerated than NSAIDS.
Forgotten Chinese technique soothes knee pain better than PT and drugs – This ancient Chinese pain solution targets the root cause of pain... and soothes it like nothing else. One study put this technique up against both physical therapy and medication... and the Chinese solution eased knee pain TWO TIMES better than both those mainstream methods. Find out what it is and how to put it to work on page 201 of CURED.
Eight more drug-free methods to soothe chronic pain – The feds are cracking down on everything from oxycontin to morphine, leaving chronic pain sufferers in a lurch. That’s why on page 213 of CURED you’ll find 8 more drug-free methods to heal pain naturally.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
You’ll soon have a wealth of advanced healing knowledge at your fingertips, ready for whatever life throws your way...
Imagine knowing…
How to DESTROY cancer cells with a strange eggplant secret (small studies show 100% cancer regression in just months).
How to beat Alzheimer’s with a 10-step system (9 out of 10 study participants reversed Alzheimer’s symptoms using this).
How to avoid drugs that cause ED (and the natural combo that improved ED by 90% in one study).
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